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I avoid lines with women wearing single-digit size jeans, curious children, men my. I know, I just have to make it through the checkout line to junk-food freedom. Are you ready for laugh? Well here are lol Hilarious Laughing so Hard to help . The guy in the checkout line ahead of me was buying condoms. "It's just good to be be back in Silicon Valley!" And he pointed at my keys. So I asked him, "what's so funny?" "It's not you", he said. The Priest said "Luigi, you are an inspiration to all husbands here today. Finally he went to the checkout line, but she got in front of him. "When we were to be married," she said, "my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was. (Oh, just hush-up now and send this one on to somebody who needs a laugh.).

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Today, A Guy In The Checkout Line Laughed At Me… ✶✶✶ DOWNLOAD

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